{SKINCARE REVIEW} | Lush Rosy Cheeks Fresh Mask 1

Hi beauties. Some time back, I picked up the brand new Rosy Cheeks Fresh face mask from Lush and today I’m going to be doing a small review.

Rosy Cheeks is a simple, fresh blend of kaolin clay, soothing calamine powder and Turkish rose oil. It also contains benzyl alcohol and is perfumed. The kaolin clay helps to purify the skin while the calamine calms the skin and the rose oil nourishes, tones and brightens.

The first impression when you open it is the scent; it has a strong, powdery botanical scent. I’m not too keen on it but it is something I can get past. The actual mask is a lovely soft pink shade and looks really glossy and gentle.
Rosy Cheeks is a wash off mask that needs 10-15 minutes to dry. Because it is Lush’s Fresh formula, you have to keep it in the fridge. I’ve used it a few times now and I really like how calming and light it is on my skin. I use a soft flannel dampened with warm water to remove the mask.

My skin feels cleansed, cool and soothed afterwards and definitely has a glow to it. I have dry skin and the combination of ingredients is really good for me. I think this is going to be one of my go-to masks for the summer because while it is hydrating it isn’t heavy. It also helps that Rosy Cheeks lives in the fridge because it’s really soothing from the moment you apply it to the skin.

You can purchase Lush’s Rosy Cheeks Fresh face mask exclusively in store (because it’s super fresh and has to stay on ice or in the fridge) where it retails for ZAR170

Until next time

Love and sparkles
Zaakira xo

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