{OUT & ABOUT} | Hyde Park Corner Hosts the Rotary Art Festival

The Rotary Arts Festival is a hugely anticipated and esteemed event on Johannesburg’s art calendar and for 17 years Hyde Park Corner has hosted it. This year is no exception and from the 2nd to the 12thof June you can experience it curated throughout the centre’s upper, middle and lower mall.
The 2016 arts festival promises to expand the concept with more workshops and music. It sees the exciting launch of a Portrait Competition. The participatory aspect of the popular art-making workshops is educational and art lovers can learn about how their favourite artists work,” says Joan Sainsbury, the festival event organiser and Curator.
The Festival began with a portrait competition which was awarded to 47models – Paul and the Austin by Cathy Verheul at one of Hyde Park Corner’s iconic, dazzling evenings.

You can view the artworks in Hyde Park Corner in these spaces
·         Guest artists – Centre court
·         Bag Factory – Lower mall (2nd floor)
·         Botanical group – Upper mall (6thfloor)
·         Figures&Form – Middle mall (4thfloor)
·         Miniature artists – Upper mall (6thfloor)
·         Photography – Upper mall (6th floor)
·         Printmaking – Upper mall (6th floor)
·         Watercolour(IWSSA)– Upper mall (6th floor)
With the 30% commission that is generated from sales, the Rotary Club of Rosebank contributes meaningfully to charitable institutions and youth development training.
Also don’t forget to get your latest issue of Destiny and Destiny Man. With Tony Gum and Nelson Makamo (he was one of the judges for the portrait competition too) gracing the covers in a magnificent shout-out to everything creative and unique; you don’t want to miss this one!
The Rotary Arts Festival runs from the 2nd to the 12th of June 2016 at Hyde Park Corner, Jan Smuts Avenue, Johannesburg.
Images of artwork supplied by Zebra Square and Hyde Park Corner
Until next time
Love and sparkles

Zaakira xox

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